About CBL

Grab a glass of wine & popcorn and join other lovers of good films, online, once a week, in a moderated conversation of five excellent films. Deepen your film watching experiences. CBL Film Conversation Series starts July 1.

  • Film as CONVERSATION. Join Us for conversations with people like you who love good films. Deepen how you “see” important films.
  • Film as YOUR EXPERIENCE. A film becomes important to you because it “gets” you in a personal place. A really good film can open a space to rethink assumptions and examine emotional ways of being and unconscious ways of thinking. Such a film reveals new worlds — new ways of imagining life — of becoming more human.
  • Film as FORM. Examine how the camera is used — editing techniques — mise en scene [overall design of the shots] — sound — are all considered, and more.

What you “like” about films has been built-up over years of watching films – usually the same sort of film — and much of this watching has been unconscious. Films have taught you how to see films; but there is more …

  • Film as a SOCIAL. These small group conversations feature film as both reflecting and forming our society. Films not only reflect how each of us feel — personally; important films point to the ways we are socially connected now and in the past. And the past is what has shaped now.
  • Film as FOCUS. Film appreciation requires attention. Some films are difficult. Others are deeper than they seem. “Getting” such films requires some effort. Anything worthwhile does not come easily — but must be coaxed and considered — in time. These CBL conversations are designed to help you find your way into difficult films.

How does CBL work?

Each week you view a film. Then, join Alan Winson, PhD in film studies and nine other cinephiles for a moderated conversation. Each CBL Series consists of five thematically-linked classic films. Prior to meeting as a group, you will view a film. We then get together in a Zoom meeting and have a talk about the film facilitated by Alan. See CBL Series page for meeting dates and the films we will be talking about.

CBL conversations limited to 10 participants.

Moderated conversations. Alan Winson who has worked in film as an actor and documentary film director and has facilitated college-level film classes for many years, will moderate the conversation. Each meeting will begin with a brief introduction of the history of the film’s production–the director, cinematographer, key designers and leading actors. Features of the film form — use of camera, editing, mise en scene, lighting, sound — will be added to the conversation via illustrative film clips.

Help is always available. Participants will receive CBL email updates and resources on this website & if you have any questions, contact us — cinephilesbucketlist@gmail.com

  • Brief reading list of film critiques.
  • Questions to consider before and after viewing the film.
  • Dedicated film blog with initial comments on the film from the moderator. Comments are welcomed — before and after the conversation.


About the CBL Moderator